End - Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) - Diversity, Mental Health Conditions, Social and Economic Impact (part 2)

Diversity and Difference in Practice Culture, age, sexual orientation,…

End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) - Diagnosis, Progression and Treatment (part 1)

Brief Epidemiology of End- Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) End-stage…

Marriage and Relationships - Do's And Don'ts

ing in them. Vowing to be with someone in "good and bad, health and sickness" is easier said than done - simply check the most recent divorce rates. Many couples hit a standstill when they face difficulties and indeed, there's no faster way to test a relationship with its carefully imagined "picture perfect" ideal than the frustrations of day-to-day life.
graduation college university success career

The Pressure of Competing and Succeeding after College Graduation: 5 Helpful Tips!

Getting to graduation ...  Graduating college - Not an easy…

School bullying and the effects on children's psychological health.

Being a minor while attending public school can be and often is a traumatizing event. A bullied child can develop negative cognitive views to his/ her capabilities, eventually starting to see themselves as unlovable and not worthy of respect or appreciation.

Anxiety: Impairment, symptoms and coping solutions

Learn more about anxiety and its symptoms and ways to cope with its effects.

Are you feeling "blue" during the holidays?

How the holiday season promotes commercialism and negatively…

Looking Forward to Thanksgiving Dinner with the Family?

Is the approaching holiday weekend stressing you out? Guess…
The instant gratification we feel when liked.

Is Social Media running your life?

How you're keeping up with the Joneses without even knowing it. No,…