The Loneliness Epidemic: It's Here, It's Real and It's Spreading

The Loneliness Epidemic is the silent most uncomfortable topic discussed in our society today. Learn about it's consequences and ways to cope with its paralyzing effects.

New Year, Same Old You? Why setting New Year's Resolutions has not shown to be effective.

As January 1st approaches, most people focus on such goals as loosing weight, exercising (Hello gym memberships!) and finding a new job. By the end of week 2 however, all that enthusiasm is likely forgotten as the routine and mundane work and life troubles return in full force. Why are New Year’s Resolutions ultimately ineffective?

Appearance and Body Image Issues

Constantly comparing oneself to an impossible image or ideal can provoke or even worse, greatly intensify, already present feelings of low self-esteem, unworthiness and preoccupation with perceived defects. If not addressed in a healthy and safe environment without judgement, this negative perception can eventually progress to obsessive attempts to change, correct and ultimately fix the “unappealing” part of oneself. This can take part as excessive exercising routines, daily measuring, mirror checking, needing reassurance from others or seeking cosmetic interventions.

Feeling Stuck in Life: How Therapy Can Help

If life didn't turn the way we imagined it to be we could either accept our hand or decide to change. Carl Jun once said, "The difference between a good life and a bad life is how well we walk through fire". Talking the first step towards a new life is a scary experience full of unknowns and many doubts.

Starting Therapy - What You Need to Know

Clients may feel uncomfortable bringing up long held beliefs or deeply rooted feelings of unworthiness and self-hatred as these are very personal and can be difficult to talk about. They may feel that these topics are taboo, should be left untouched and unspoken for fear they may unveil traumatic memories and events hidden behind carefully crafted defense mechanisms. Therapy is a very private and intimate matter. And that privacy is to be honored and respected.

Online Counseling

Freedom Counseling offers online therapy in the state of Florida. We strongly believe in technology and convenience. Telehealth has taken drastic advanced in the last few years with more and more physicians, psychiatrists and mental health professional choosing to provide online services to clients who are unable to attend in-person appointments.

Become Who You Are

Freedom Counseling is a private practice in New Tampa offering therapy fo adolescents, adults, couples and families. Serving clients in New Tampa, Wesley Chapel, Lutz, Land O'Lakes, USF and Temple Terrace area. We strive for excellence and guarantee to support, encourage and guide you though your journey.
cognitive dissonance, CBT, cults, spiritual trauma

Cognitive Dissonance

For an unbeliever, accepting the fact that a prophecy has failed is a fairly simple action, a matter of fact. In contrast, the believer cannot admit failure, but rather a justification of the event must take place. Instead of an unfulfilled event, the prophecy is considered as previously misunderstood by the group with emphasis now put on a new understanding which replaces the previously held belief.

Freedom Counseling - Locations, Services and Options!

Freedom Counseling serves clients located in New Tampa including Wesley Chapel, Land O' Lakes , Lutz and USF area. Freedom Counseling offers assistance to teens, adults and couples who suffer from anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, marital and relationship conflict, communication issues and concerns.

Working with clients from high control groups (cults)? What every therapist needs be aware of.

Mental health practitioners need to be aware of the harmful psychological issues current and ex-cult members continue to show even after they leave such an organization.  Individuals who have become part of these restrictive religious groups generally suffer from rigid thinking patterns, feelings of guilt, shame and a sense of abandonment. Mental illness and substance abuse are also commonly observed. Suicidal tendencies, PTSD, anxiety and depression are just some of the grievances that these clients endure.