Entries by FreedomCounseling

End – Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) – Diversity, Mental Health Conditions, Social and Economic Impact (part 2)

Diversity and Difference in Practice Culture, age, sexual orientation, socio-economic status and gender all must be taken into consideration when working with patients suffering from ESRD. The African-American population is four times as likely to develop ESRD compared to Caucasian individuals suffering from the same condition (Atkinson, Neu, Fivush, & Frankenfield, 2008) (Crews et al., […]

End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) – Diagnosis, Progression and Treatment (part 1)

Brief Epidemiology of End- Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is the final stage of kidney failure that affects at least 230,000 individuals in the United States (Blake, Toker, Dickerman & Dunn, 2002). Some of the primary causes of ESRD include diabetes (34.47%), hypertension (25.1%), glomerulonephritis (16.4%), Cystic Kidney (4.69%) and 16.39% are […]

Marriage and Relationships – Do’s And Don’ts

ing in them. Vowing to be with someone in “good and bad, health and sickness” is easier said than done – simply check the most recent divorce rates. Many couples hit a standstill when they face difficulties and indeed, there’s no faster way to test a relationship with its carefully imagined “picture perfect” ideal than the frustrations of day-to-day life.

The Pressure of Competing and Succeeding after College Graduation: 5 Helpful Tips!

Getting to graduation …  Graduating college – Not an easy task! If you recently graduated you know exactly what I’m talking about. Many grads have subjected themselves to year after year of constant, self-inflicted “punishment” to get there.  To get to graduation day often means working full-time or part-time while also attending college in the evening, […]

Are you feeling “blue” during the holidays?

How the holiday season promotes commercialism and negatively impacts our mental health. Is it really that bad you may ask? Well, Christmas and New Year’s are just around the corner folks! We have officially rolled into the final week before Christmas. And while many people joyfully anticipate the approach of holidays, the statistics show an […]

Is Social Media running your life?

How you’re keeping up with the Joneses without even knowing it. No, not me you might say, I don’t need to prove nothing to no one. Right? Think again… Although many people nowadays feel they are impervious to the power of social media (such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and the like) not many […]